Party On…

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Yesterday’s winner of Hex Appeal is: Kelly
Please send me your mailing addy!


So, I dragged Linda away from the party…again…to ask her a few questions for all of you.


Hi Linda!  I am sorry to drag you away from the party, but I wanted you to tell us about your latest release, Hex Appeal.
This book takes place a few months after 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover ends and Jazz can’t get a good night’s sleep. Instead, she has all too real nightmares and Fluff and Puff get into trouble with the Were boardwalk manager and are put in bunny slipper jail along with Irma making some demands for freedom and a modern wardrobe. Then there’s Nick. Things going on that Jazz can’t understand and no time to figure out, but that never stops her. Creatures from her and Nick’s pasts show up and not in a good way. And Jazz lives through a 48 hours that she never wants to repeat!


As you mentioned, this is a follow-up to 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover.  Can you tell us more about that book and the series itself?
Jazz Tremaine is a 700 years young witch whose gift is curse elimination. And an off and on relationship with vampire Nick Gregory. Nick’s come back into her life because if a serial killer of vampires that proves to be from Jazz’s past, which is the last thing she wants to revisit. Plus, she’s got Irma, the ghost haunting her 1956 T-Bird and Fluff and Puff, her magick bunny slippers that tend to get into trouble. There’s also a pretty gross creature named Tyge Foulshadow who’s in lust with Jazz. Ugh!


I love these books and was wondering what inspired the series?
I love paranormal and I knew I wanted to write something fun. The next thing I knew Jazz popped into my head and said “do I have a story for you!” It sort of mushroomed from there. The idea that 13 witches were banished from the
Witches Academy because they refused to snitch on who cast an illegal spell just felt right. The same with the proclamation they could return in 100 years as long as they behaved. Yet, 700 years later they’re still out in the mortal world. What does that tell you?


The book contains many colorful characters (and we’ll meet some of them later this week during the party…I sent them all invites).  Do you have a favorite?
I like to say Dweezil because he’s totally nuts, but I’d have to say Fluff and Puff. I even went so far as to have them tattooed on my ankle. Or maybe they just managed to have themselves tattooed there. <g>


Describe yourself in 3 words.
Hm, I hate to think what my friends would say to this! I guess Quirky, demented, loyal.


Who has inspired you as a writer?
I’ve always wanted to be a writer, so I can’t say that any one person inspired me. I wrote stories when I was little and I never stopped. Probably one of my best days was my wedding anniversary in 1979 when I sold my first two books.


If you had a time capsule to be opened 50 years in the future, what would you put in it?
Me? But only if it’s airtight so I don’t age in there.


What is next for you?
I’m working on the fourth book in the Hex series, which features fellow witch Blair.


What would you like to ask my blog readers?
What makes you pick up a book? The author’s name, the cover, what you read on the back? All of the above? And when you love a book are you prone to recommend it to friends?


Thanks Linda…you can go back to the party…for now.
So readers, if you can drag yourselves away from the snack table and dance floor (yes, I know you are enjoying doing the “Monster Mash”)…how about answering Linda’s questions…


Today, if you leave a comment here, you’ll be entered to win a copy of 50 Ways to Hex Your Lover!
I’ll randomly select the winner from the comments and announce it tomorrow so be sure to check back!
And be sure to come back throughout the week because you never know who will show up.
And you can learn more about Linda at: