Let’s Get This Party Started…

Monday, October 27, 2008

It’s time for what I guess has become my annual Halloween Blog Party.  This year I am thrilled to welcome author Linda Wisdom, author of many wonderful books and a fabulous new paranormal series that I love.


To get things started, I dragged our guest of honor away from the punch bowl (and the cute Vamp) in the corner to introduce herself and tell you a little about her fun and fascinating world…


In My World

First off, a short intro. I’m Linda Wisdom and for many years was known as Linda Randall Wisdom in category romance, although I started out as Linda Wisdom with my writing, so at least it’s not too confusing! While I wrote several paranormals for category I’m now writing the flat out fun paranormals that make me laugh and I hope they do the same for you.


I like to call this In My World because that’s how I look at it. Just like the t-shirt, I live in a world of mine, but that’s okay, they know me here. So what goes on in my world.


In my world witches don’t strain their backs standing over a bubbling cauldron. And some witches might even have Martha Stewart designed cauldrons. Because for all we know she could be a witch!


A witch’s blood is poisonous to vampires or at least gives them serious heartburn, which means you won’t see them sporting love bites any time soon.


Vampires wouldn’t be caught undead in an opera cape and sleeping in a coffin is so 14th century. More like designer suits or even jeans and t-shirts. And spray tans are a boon for many of them since tanning beds so didn’t work out for them!


Weres love the carnival atmosphere and enjoy working Midways and fairs. If the guy manning the Tilt-A-Whirl has lots of hair, you’ll know enough to stay clear of him during a full moon. But some still also keep their existence a secret and could be the last thing you’d expect.


Ghosts really don’t want to parade around in a shroud and many times even complain about what they were buried in. They want updated wardrobes and all the comforts of home. Just ask Irma, Jazz’s cranky spirit haunting her T-Bird.


Wizards are lawyers in Century City or work as head librarians insisting they be addressed as The (long e) Librarian and you better make it sounds capitalized if you ever need to head back for research material again and the magickal library hovers in various realms with entrances popping up anywhere. If you’re Jazz, you could find it in a swamp. If you’re Stasi, it would be in a lovely area. See why you don’t piss off The Librarian?


In my world witches have Starbucks addictions and live for Victoria’s Secret sales along with wearing man chomping bunny slippers that have a magick all their own.


In my world, witches can be world famous romance writers who coined the word diva. Or a security specialist that loves nothing more than getting down and dirty. Or an herbalist who’s happiest puttering around in her garden.


My world doesn’t seem all that different than the “real” world, but it is. Because witches have powers we can’t imagine, ignore the baggy black gowns and pointy hats, vampires leave the capes at home and weres like to party.


My world is a fairy tale for grown ups.




Thanks Linda!


Doesn’t that sound like a fun world you’d like to be a part of?
Linda mentions quite a few interesting things that go on in her world…which of these interests you the most?


One lucky commenter from today will get to experience Linda’s world by winning a copy of Hex Appeal!


I’ll announce the winner tomorrow so don’t delay, comment today (Hmm…I seem to have turned into Dr. Seuss).
Be sure to return tomorrow to see if you won and for more partying!