November’s Book-of-the-Month…

Saturday, October 25, 2008

You voted and November’s Book-of-the-Month selection is…


The Chosen Sin by Anya Bast!




I will discuss the book on November 28!


As promised I am going to give away a copy of the book…in fact, it’s an autographed copy from the author herself so if you would like to enter to win, leave a message below letting me know you are interested in winning a copy!!!

Winning does not obligate you to participate in the discussion in any way, but I hope you would like to.
I’ll randomly select the winner from all of those interested and announce it tomorrow, October 26, so I have time to get the book to the winner!




Also, I need more suggestions for December’s Book-of-the-Month.  All of the suggestions that didn’t win or make it to the poll last time remain on the list to be considered in the future, but I could use some more. 
And even if you made suggestions in the past, here is your chance to make some more suggestions.  As long as the book is available online or in stores during the month I discuss it, you can suggest it…so November and December print releases are eligible to be suggested! 
Find the suggestion guidelines here and leave them below or e-mail me with your suggestions.

On November 15, I’ll randomly choose at least 5 and voting for December’s book will begin.

So what books would you like me to discuss?