Important Information

– Any excerpt, etc. shared by an author or guest is copyright/property of the person who created/wrote it!

–  Any opinions, views, information, etc. shared by a guest or commenter do not necessarily reflect my own personal views! 

– I know it requires you to leave an e-mail addy to comment (this is done to prevent spammers), but I want to assure everyone that I do not collect, share, or sell these addys with anyone.

Note: I have no intentions of ever hurting or offending anyone…that is not the purpose of this blog…it is for entertainment, not bashing! Please keep that in mind as you comment. Everyone has the right to their opinion and I encourage you to share yours…in fact, I would love to know your opinions….as long as they are not personal attacks against others or their books!  I want to create a friendly atmosphere where everyone feels welcome.

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