Cheryl Brooks Completes the Sentences…

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Today I am very happy to welcome author Cheryl Brooks to the blog.


Cheryl’s latest release, The Cat Star Chronicles: Warrior, is available in stores now!

I have really enjoyed this series and will post my review of this book tomorrow.


Warrior, the second book in Cheryl Brooks’ The Cat Star Chronicles series, features Tisana, a witch on the planet Utopia, gifted with the power to control fire and communicate telepathically with animals. She is a healer, skilled in herbal lore and, like all of her kind, must wait for “the one” who will father her child and enable the line of witches to continue. When her former lover, Rafe, brings his battered slave to her for treatment, Tisana meets Leo, a Zetithian warrior whose sensuous nature overwhelms her cautious heart, and whom she suspects might be the one she’s been waiting for. When Rafe’s sons disappear, the chance for Leo to earn his freedom sends them on a harrowing adventure filled with danger, exciting swordfights, hilarious animals, and sizzling romance! 


Now, Cheryl has completed the sentences for us…


I am: a writer, a mother, a wife, a nurse, a singer/guitar player, a cook, a horse lover, and a hopeless romantic!

I like: to curl up under an afghan by the cozy warmth of the woodstove while I enjoy a cup of tea and a good book.

I love: to create.

I dream: of romance.

I wish: every woman could find a husband as wonderful as mine.

I wonder: why they haven’t.

I pretend: to know what I’m doing!

I know: lots of things and nothing at the same time.

I fear: the unknown.

I worry: about everything!

I appreciate: kind words and encouragement.

I hope: my books take readers away from their troubles—at least for a little while!

I look: like a dumpy, fifty-two-year-old nurse!

I read: Harry Potter, Georgette Heyer, and the books of my Sourcebooks Casablanca sisters.

I want: to be able to eat anything I want and not gain weight!

I need: love.

I will: do almost anything anyone asks of me.

I can: do almost anything I put my mind to.

I think: all the time!

I have never: been able to shut my brain off!

I dance to: The Eagles, Train, and Maroon Five.

I wish I had thought of: Velcro.

I cannot live without: Tea!!!!

I am happy when: I can make someone laugh.

I would like to meet: my readers.

I am annoyed by: people who talk too much.

I have always wanted: to be a really good guitar player!
I encourage people to: do the right thing.

I think it would be cool if: people around the world could get along better.

I love to fix things when no one is looking.

I write romance because: it’s what occupies my mind most of the time.
I would love to know what readers think of: my imagination.


Thanks so much Cheryl for sharing that with us.

Readers, you can learn more about Cheryl and her books at:

 So, one lucky commenter today will win a copy of The Cat Star Chronicles: Warrior.
I’ll randomly select the winner and announce it on Sunday, Oct. 26.

Do you have a question for Cheryl?