Announcement and November’s Book-of-the-Month Discussion

Sunday, November 30, 2008

First up the winner of Primal Male chosen randomly from yesterday’s comments is:

 crystal adkins

Please send me your mailing addy so I can get your book to you!




I also want to announce that starting tomorrow there will be a blog party here on the blog.  Join me Dec. 1-5 for “Heyer Days” where I spotlight and give away some books by Georgette Heyer!




smaller-chosen-sinNow for my discussion of November’s Book-of-the-Month, The Chosen Sin by Anya Bast.


I am changing up the discussion with this month’s post.  I am going to talk about different aspects of the story individually. 
My discussion will contain no spoilers (or at least nothing that I would consider a spoiler…it is basically a review in a different format), but I cannot promise that the comments won’t have spoilers…so please read at your own risk!!!


My overall thoughts of the story:

So this was the first book-of-the-month chosen by my blog readers rather than me.  I had never read an Anya Bast book so I was looking forward to reading this one as it sounded good and I must say that this futuristic/paranormal story didn’t disappoint.   It was a bit different than I expected, but that is what helped to make it stand out to me.  There was a nice mix of erotic romance and the paranormal and I loved the characters.


Set in the future, this erotic story features Alejandro Martinez and Daria Moran who have gone undercover at Christopher Sante’s commune-like community in order to bring down the vampire.  They also hope to discover the whereabouts of a missing woman and what exactly is going on in the community as it is suspected that Sante is involved in illegal activities.  To do this, Daria has to become a vampire and pose as Alejandro’s mate, which leads to some interesting and passionate complications.


With its twists-and-turns, the whole plot is very intriguing and I found myself as curious about Sante and his community as Daria and Alejandro were.  I also enjoyed the relationship between Daria and Alejandro as they were very passionate people. There are quite a few surprises and I enjoyed learning more about the Chosen and this fictional world with each chapter.  It seemed that with every chapter something new was revealed about the Chosen and the world in which they lived.  I enjoyed each new discovery about this fictional world and its inhabitants.


Hero: Alejandro Martinez

I absolutely adored the character of Alejandro.  A Chosen vampire, he works for the Governing Body of the Chosen.  He has many layers to him and his past and desires haunt him.  A multifaceted individual, Alejandro is passionate, caring, strong, intense, protective, and sensual.  I don’t know how Daria manages to resist him for as long as she does.


Heroine: Daria Moran

An Allied Bureau of Investigation agent, Daria is a very strong and admirable heroine who is seeking justice and revenge against Sante.  Due to her prior relationship with Sante, she has drastically changed her appearance to go undercover.  She also has a prior relationship with Alejandro which complicates things as the two share a chemistry that heats up the pages.  But having been hurt in the past, she finds it difficult to trust anyone.


Secondary characters:

In the book, the majority of the characters that we meet are the Chosen.  Some Chosen are genetic vampires who, in order to become a Chosen vampire, must exchange blood with another vampire in what is a very erotic process called “Choosing”.  A human can become a Chosen vampire if he or she shares blood with a Chosen and survives or makes it through the change. The Chosen also have different abilities and traits that were fascinating to learn about.


As for secondary characters who are Chosen, Sante is probably one of the most intriguing ones.  We find out quite a bit about him and see many sides to him in the book as Daria and Alejandro work to bring him down.


In addition to Chosen vampires, there were many different types of individuals such as succubares, blood slaves and blood donors or veilhounders.


Favorite thing about the book:

There are two things that I loved about this book…


1) The setting.  I really enjoyed the futuristic setting of the book with its different worlds and inhabitants as well as the paranormal aspects of the story.  This was an erotic futuristic romance with a paranormal twist…or an erotic paranormal romance with a futuristic twist.  No matter how you say it, it was different from what I was used to reading and I really liked it.


2) Alejandro…he was a wonderful hero.  See above for more reasons why I liked him.  He and Daria share a very passionate relationship and the sparks definitely fly as these two strong-minded individuals come together.


Least favorite thing:

This one is a bit more difficult for me as I enjoyed the story immensely.  I will say that at times I felt the story moved a little slow and I wish it had progressed a bit faster…either that or I was just being impatient.


Would I recommend the book?

Yes, I would recommend this book.  It is a little bit different from a typical vampire/paranormal romance, but if you are looking for something erotic with an interesting plot and world, I would recommend this.


Final thought:

With The Chosen Sin, Ms. Bast has created a complex world and group of individuals that I found fascinating.  I really enjoyed this book and her writing.  I look forward to trying more of her books.


What about all of you?  If you have read the book, feel free to share your thoughts and favorite (or least favorite parts).  However, please check the discussion rules before posting.

December’s Book-of-the-Month…

Saturday, November 29, 2008

This month’s poll was close, but you have spoken and December’s Book-of-the-Month is…


Primal Male by Sasha White



I’ll be blogging about this book on December 30!

For more information on the Book-of-the-Month feature check out the sidebar.


And now here is your chance to win a copy of Primal Male. 
This is going to be a quick contest. 
Just leave a comment below letting me know you want to be entered to win and I’ll randomly select and announce the winner of a copy of Primal Male tomorrow, November 30.  So be sure to come back to see if you won!

Winner is under no obligation to participate in the discussion next month, but I hope you might consider it.




Also, I need some suggestions for January’s Book-of-the-Month.


Here are the criteria for suggestions:

– Must be a romance, but can be any subgenre/type of romance (I like my happily-ever-afters)

– Can be an old or a new release, but it must be readily available in stores or online during the month it is featured (so January releases are welcome)

– Must be a print book (this could change in the future, but for now we are going with print releases)

– No hardcovers (because of cost)


Since the last few books chosen have been paranormals (and most of the ones you all have suggested in the past have been as well), let’s try to suggest some other romance genres as well, if you don’t mind.


You can either e-mail me or leave your suggestions below.
In mid-December, I’ll randomly select a few from the list and the poll will open for January’s Book-of-the-Month.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


So go ahead…enter the giveaway and/or make some suggestions…

And be sure to return tomorrow for my discussion of The Chosen Sin (postponed from Friday).

Change in Plans…

Friday, November 28, 2008

This is going to be a quick post…

I hope all my American blog readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  And that all my other blog readers are having a fabulous week!

I ended up going out of town unexpectedly for the holiday so unfortunately today’s Book-of-the-Month post for The Chosen Sin is going to be postponed until Sunday, Nov. 30.  I hope you all return then to read my thoughts and/or share your own thoughts about the book.
I am so sorry for the delay, but my computer time is limited here so I will have to wait until I am back home to get it posted.

I will still be annoucing December’s Book-of-the-Month tomorrow and giving a copy away (in a very quick contest that will end on Sunday) so be sure to return so you can enter and find out what readers selected as December’s chosen book.

Have a great day!

Another recommendation…

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Up next is a recommendation for those aspiring writers out there…


Writing Romance (3rd Edition) by Vanessa Grant


Filled with useful information about everything from creating characters to recommendations on submitting your story, this book could be a useful tool for any aspiring romance writer.  Written by a multipublished romance author, this book is easy to follow and contains advice from other published authors such as Jo Beverley, Bonnie Edwards, and more.  This edition also includes a CD-rom with useful templates, worksheets, lectures and more.

Even as a reader, I found some of the information in the book fascinating.


Click here to find out more about the book.

You can learn more about the author by clicking here.


More recommendations…

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today I have more recommendations or gift ideas for you…but they might be a little different that what you are used to seeing here on the blog…


This first one is one for the whole family.


Cole Family Christmas by Jennifer Liu Bryan with Hazel Cole Kendle


This is a wonderful book based on a true story about the Cole family and one special Christmas they shared.
With beautiful illustrations and a touching story, Cole Family Christmas is a book that is good for the entire family.  Young and old alike will enjoy this tale of family and love.


colefamilyBlurb (from the inside cover):
The wish book. This amazing year, the nine children in the Cole family have been allowed to sit down with the Sears, Roebuck and Company catalogue to choose the gift they would most like to receive for Christmas. This is a rare event, for the Coles are not wealthy.

Indeed, “Cole Family Christmas” is the true, tender, and wholly unforgettable tale of a coal miner’s family. The story takes place in the small company town of Benham, Kentucky, in a time and place when coal was king and families made their precarious living mining the dirty and sometimes deadly coal.

When one of Mama’s few possessions, a treasured purple glass bowl with fluted edges, is accidentally broken by exuberant children rushing in from the outdoors, and an unlikely blizzard prevents Papa from coming home after working extra hours at the coal mine on Christmas Eve, the stage is set for a Christmas morning in which gifts are given and received that no one could have predicted.

As Christmas comes and goes in the Cole family’s simple, crowded, good-natured home, ten-year-old Ruble and her siblings have ample opportunity to realize that the most precious gifts are those that come from the heart.



You can learn more about this book and the Cole family here: 

Here’s another recommendation…

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

For fans of fun contemporary romances we have…

Addicted to Love by Lori WildeThis is a fun contemporary romance that is part of a series.  And while I haven’t read the others in the series, this one made me want to get them.


Growing up in Valentine, Texas, can make anyone believe in happily ever after. But newly declared recovering romantic Rachael Henderson has decided that love stinks. After having not one but two grooms ditch her at the altar, she announces her disenchantment in an uncharacteristic act of rebellion. She feels liberated…until she’s arrested by Sheriff Brody Carlton.


Once upon a time, being hauled against the taut, rippling body of her first crush would have had Rachael planning the wedding of the year. Now it spurs her to created Romanceaholics Anonymous, a twelve-step program for love addicts. Soon all of Valentine is divided as die-hard romantics clash with antilove cynics. But when Rachael starts fantasizing about a lust-filled affair with Brody, she goes against everything the program stands for. Should she protect her fragile heart…or find a way to have her wedding cake and eat it too?


And again while I was searching for info to share with all of you I stumble across this site where you can learn some fun facts about the book!

Another Recommendation…

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Up next, for those historical fans out there…


To Seduce A Sinner by Elizabeth Hoyt


This was my first book by Hoyt, but it won’t be my last.   This was an absorbing and well-written story.



For years, Melisande Fleming has loved Lord Vale from afar…watching him seduce a succession of lovers, and once catching a glimpse of heartbreaking depths beneath his roguish veneer.  When he’s jilted on his wedding day, she boldly offers to be his.


Vale gladly weds Melisande, if only to produce an heir.  But he’s pleasantly surprised: A shy and proper Lady by day, she’s a wanton at night, giving him her body—though not her heart.



Determined to learn her secrets, this sinner starts to woo his seductive new wife—while hiding the nightmares from his soldiering days in the Colonies that still haunt him.  Yet when a deadly betrayal from the past threatens to tear them apart, Lord Vale must bare his soul dot the woman he married…or risk losing her forever.


 And while I was searching for info to share with all of you about this book, I stumbled across this site where there are fun facts about the story.


The site also had this widget…